Treatment of male baldness (علاج تساقط الشعر عند الرجال)

The hair loss in men usually is genetically inherited from parents. High dosage of certain medications, intake of too much vitamin A and low levels of protein intake and stress can contribute to an abrupt shedding of hair. However, if the hair loss is not due to male-pattern baldness then the growth can be expected by following remedies and treatments of hair loss in men (علاج تساقط الشعر عند الرجالsuch as
Fighting the nutritional imbalances by consuming a proper diet.
·         Including vitamins in your diet by eating red, yellow and orange vegetables and fruits.
·         Consuming Omega-3 fatty acids in the form of fish.
·         Protein in the form of beans and chicken.
·         Milk products and eggs that contain vitamin B7
·         Zinc rich foods such as oysters, cereals and lobsters.
Intake of Water
For your hair cells to grow it is important to have a proper daily intake of water. Try drinking eight cups of water a day and avoid sweetened juices and drinks.
Reduce the stress in your life
Stress causes the hair to fall but controlling it can help the regrowth of hair. Try to avoid the factors that trigger stress. There are stress related hair loss conditions such as Telogen effluvium and Trichotillomania.
Visiting a trichologist
Going bald may cause low confidence and depression .Hair loss can be caused by conditions which you might not be aware of and consulting a trichologist would help you fight it better by knowing the proper treatments of hair loss in men (علاج تساقط الشعر عند الرجال) . Hormonal imbalances, scalp infections should be treated at right time before the condition gets worse.
 Male Pattern Baldness
Male pattern has an effect on millions of men. It starts with hair loss higher than the temples generating the standard "M" form. Over time, the loss of hair continues round the prime of the top and generally claims the hair on the edges and rear of the top, resulting in complete shedding of hair.
·         Hormones
Hormone called DHT causes the hair follicles to shrink and eventually leads to hair fall.

Treatments of hair loss in men include:
·         Minoxidil
Minoxidil is applied on the scalp and helps reduce the hair loss by slowing it down. It might help with new hair growth. The results start to show after applying it for over four months to one year. But once you stop applying this, the results start to reverse. There are certain side effects of it too such as itching, swelling, acne, blurred vision and irregular heartbeat.
·         Finasteride
Finasteride is taken in the form of pill and once its intake is stopped the hair loss returns. Its intake reduces the hair loss and binds the enzyme which prevents the testosterone to be converted to DHT.Certain side effects of its intake include swelling in the lungs, arms, cold sweats and weight gain.
However many experts believe it’s more effective in hair growth then Minoxidil.
·         Hair Transplant
Hair follicles are collected from the area which is resistant to balding called the donor area and implanted to the recipient region where tiny holes are made. Before the procedure local anesthesia is injected into the scalp to avoid pain. Hair restoration methods for the treatment of hair loss in men (علاج تساقط الشعر عند الرجالare Follicular Unit transplant , Follicular Unit Extraction and the latest one being Stem Cell Follicular Unit Extraction.

The results are permanent and a youthful look can be achieved through hair transplant in short period of time. Also, it requires zero maintenance and completely safe as no damage is done to the hair.
Treatment of male baldness (علاج تساقط الشعر عند الرجال) Treatment of male baldness (علاج تساقط الشعر عند الرجال) Reviewed by haniA on 22:46 Rating: 5

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