Hair adds to the charm and beauty of your personality. Unfortunately, we don’t realize this until we shed most of our hair. You probably have seen a 20-something looking like he is approaching 40 due to receding hair line. Many men and women are losing their hair in their early twenties or thirties. There are a gazillion factors which contribute towards it ranging from nutritional deficiencies to water loaded with chemicals and heat styling. Regardless, thin hair will is bound to impact your hair in a negative manner.

The solution to the problem

Thankfully in this day and age, we have a solution to each and every issue. The most popular technique for treating receding hairline today is FUE hair transplant in Dubai. This procedure is suitable for men and women alike as it does not involve extraction of the strip from a specified donor region. It is also suitable for patients who have gone completely bald and don’t have any hair left on their scalp. With FUE hair transplant in Dubai, body hair can be transplanted onto the scalp.  The main goals of FUE hair transplant are:

Help you achieve fuller and thicker head of hair permanently.
Avoid linear scarring associated with older techniques.
To minimize downtime and recovery period as well.

The Procedure

FUE hair transplant in Dubai is an advanced hair restoration technique which is performed under local anesthetic by a surgeon. It comprises the following steps:

Your scalp is properly cleaned.
The donor site is shaved. Donor site can be anything which has baldness resistant hair whether it is scalp, body or beard.
Afterward, hair follicles are extracted with the help of a micro punch with less than 0.1 mm diameter.
Extracted grafts are handed over to the staff for trimming any excess tissues and hair length.
Local anesthesia is administered to the recipient’s area and it is marked down for added precision.
Tiny incisions are made in a specified pattern.
Grafts are inserted into the micro incisions made by the surgeon and it concludes the procedure.

About three thousand grafts can be implanted in one go using FUE hair transplant in Dubai. Most individuals prefer this procedure because it involves no significant recovery period and downtime and the patient heal completely within a week.

Natural Looking Results

Earlier hair plugs were used for treating baldness. Many celebrities are examples of victims to hair plugs. Hair Plugs resulted in a very unnatural appearance and everyone could spot a difference between real hair and transplanted hair. It almost resembled a thread hanging from your head. With FUE hair transplant in Dubai, you don’t have to face this issue. No one can tell the difference between transplanted and real hair. There is no scarring involved with this particular technique so you can keep it a secret if you want to. These benefits gave Follicular Unit Extraction, an edge over all other techniques.

Reviewed by haniA on 03:07 Rating: 5

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