Androgenetic Alopecia - A Comprehensive Guide

Androgenetic Alopecia – this is usually caused by the genetics. This type of hair loss is seen both in men and women. In men, this condition is known as male pattern hair loss while in women it’s called female pattern hair loss.
The main devastating thing about Androgenetic Alopecia is that it is the permanent form of hair loss. The symptoms of Androgenetic alopecia are a continuous dispersal of the hair on the scalp.
In men, this type of hair loss usually causes baldness in the areas of crown and temple. It is not a patchy form of hair loss. While in women it leads to receding hairline with the continual dispersal of hair throughout the scalp.
Alopecia Treatment in Dubai
To fight or reduce the symptoms of Androgenetic alopecia you need to cure the cause of it. It is not possible to fight the genetic makeup but androgens and inflammation can be targeted to stimulate new hair growth.
·         Rogaine is a medical treatment to prevent the androgens from attacking the hair follicles. Minoxidil is not recommended to the women and stops working shortly after you stop its intake. Finasteride is also FDA approved medication which helps fight DHT or androgens.

·         Growth stimulators such as biotin supplements help promote amino acids which are building blocks of hair.

Rosemary and Peppermint oil which are known as essential oils are also used to stimulate hair growth. They can be mixed with Coconut or Olive oil to be used for scalp massages which increase the blood circulation in the scalp.

Green tea is another natural treatment to fight androgens and inflammation in the scalp. It has been found that green tea is an active blocker of DHT which causes the hair to become weak and fall out.

·         Surgical procedure for the alopecia treatment in Dubai, all the medicines and natural treatments mentioned above cannot completely fight this type of hair loss but however can greatly slow down the process of balding. Surgical treatment is the only treatment that can help you restore the hair permanently. The restored hair are natural as the existing hair because they are extracted from the part of the scalp that has healthy hair follicles.
The process of the hair transplant is simple and permanent. Some people wear wigs who suffer from Androgenetic alopecia. But they are not permanent and it gets very difficult to maintain them.
Hair transplant process uses your own hair that is usually extracted from the back of the scalp to be transplanted to the areas of the scalp which require hair. The procedure starts with injecting local anesthesia into the scalp. When extraction of hair follicles is completed the surgeon then injects the anesthesia into the benefactor area of the scalp where the hair follicles are inserted. The transplanted hair fall out after a two weeks, but new hairs grow in the area with a full growth seen in about nine months.
The surgeon and the team assure your comfort before the procedure of alopeciatreatment in Dubai is started. Getting the best surgeon for your treatment is a tough decision as largely the success of the hair transplant depends on the skills and expertise of the surgeon.

Do your thorough search and find the surgeon who can guide you properly on the process of hair transplant. Aware you of the results that can be achieved and your eligibility for the specific type of hair transplant technique that you want to get done.
Androgenetic Alopecia - A Comprehensive Guide Androgenetic Alopecia - A Comprehensive Guide Reviewed by haniA on 04:55 Rating: 5

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