Medical Hair Restoration - Selecting the Best Treatment

Hair loss can affect your scalp or some parts of the body or your entire body. It can be a result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or medicines. It can be experienced by any sex. Usually, it refers to excessive hair loss from the scalp. Heredity and hair loss with age is the most common cause of baldness. Some people prefer to let their hair loss be as it is. Others may cover it up with artificial means such as wigs, hair pieces, hairstyles, makeup, hats or scarves.
Before going for any hair loss treatment, it is important to talk to your doctor about the possible hair loss causes and the treatment options.
Let’s discuss the Hair Loss Treatment in Dubai available for the hair loss.
Minoxidil known as Rogaine and Finasteride which are the only FDA approved drugs to treat hair loss resulting from the heredity.
Minoxidil is directly applied on the scalp where the hair growth is desired. The usage of these medications helps slow down the hair loss and promote the growth of new follicles. Finasteride is present in the pill form.
However, permanent hair loss can be treated by the Hair Loss Treatment in Dubai such as Follicular Unit Extraction and Follicular Unit Transplant.
Eligibility for Hair Restoration
·         Women with genetic hair loss.
·         A person who has lost hair due to injury or burns.
·         Men who suffer from male pattern hair loss.
Not Eligible
·         Women who have diffuse hair fall.
·         Those who do not have enough donor supply for the transplantation.
·         People who form keloid scars due to surgery burns or radiation injury.
Hair Transplant Procedures
FUT- The common and oldest technique of Hair Loss Treatment in Dubai. It is the process whereby the skin with healthy hair follicles is removed from the scalp. The strip is divided into shorter strips and then dissected to extract the grafts containing one or more hair follicles. The procedure is painless and takes about five to eight hours. The follicles are prepared and holes are made at the site of transplantation. The holes are filled with the follicles.
FUE – The process requires the extraction of hair follicles directly from the scalp. The extracted follicles are prepared to be placed in the incisions made at the benefactor area. The procedure results in less scarring as compared to FUT.
Stem Cell FUE – This process is an advancement in the procedure of FUE. Specialized punch tool is used to extract the hair follicle without causing any damage to hair loss. The procedure increases the efficiency and makes more grafts to be harvested in a session. The procedure is painless.

Some Side Effects of Hair Grafting
·         Crusting on the donor and recipient areas of the scalp.
·         Itching around the scalp.

After Care Steps of Hair Transplant
·         Avoid smoking as it causes the healing to slow down.
·         Avoid blood thinners
·         Avoid scratching your scalp as it may damage the hair follicles.
·         Wash your hair after few days of the surgery.
·         Apply the spray recommended by the doctor that promotes hair growth.
·         If you suffer from any swelling you can apply ice packs.
·         Any sport or exercise should be avoided.
·         Apply the cream recommended by the doctor to reduce scarring at the donor area.
·         Non- dissolvable stitches are taken out after fourteen days of the transplantation while the dissolvable stitches make it easy as you don’t have to visit the clinic for their removal.
·         Avoid sun exposure for some days.

These all steps can help you to avoid any side effects that may occur. However, if you experience any pain or infection then you need to visit the doctor.
Medical Hair Restoration - Selecting the Best Treatment Medical Hair Restoration - Selecting the Best Treatment Reviewed by haniA on 01:34 Rating: 5

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