Hair Loss, Scalp Disorders, and Their Treatments
Normally when any of us suffer from rapid hair loss, we think to ourselves that it might be due to nutritional deficiencies or lack of proper hair care regimen. However, this is certainly not the case. Most of the time rapid hair loss occurs due to scalp disorders. In this article, you will find a list of scalp disorders enlisted by trichologist in Dubai that lay the foundation for extreme hair loss. We will discuss some treatment options as well suggested by trichologist in Dubai for these scalp disorders.
Folliculus is a scalp disorder which happens due to inflammation of the hair follicles. It might be caused as a result of bacteria in hair which might be due to shaving or us of inappropriate hair products, residue left in your hair and tiny bumps that appear on the surface of your scalp.
It is important to visit a trichologist in Dubai for immediate cure. If you visit a trichologist during initial phases of Folliculitis, your scalp will be thoroughly checked for presence of bacteria and topical medications are prescribed which act as an anti-inflammatory agent and soothes away your scalp.
Seborrheic Dermatitis
It is another common scalp condition, according to trichologist in Dubai. It begins as a result of itchy scalp and gradually leads to scaly patches. There is so specific cause behind at. It happens usually during winter time when your scalp is dry than usual. Some of the dermatologists suggest that yeast is the main culprit behind it but others believe that it happens as a result of a weak immune system.
It is important to treat it at an early stage in order to avoid hair loss. Once it progresses, you will experience extreme hair loss. In the earlier phases of this particular scalp disorder, you are will be advised to use an anti-yeast shampoo for your hair along with some topical creams. At a later stage after treating the infection, it is essential to undergo PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy for the revival of lost hair.
Extreme Hair loss is termed as alopecia. The causes of it are endless ranging from genetics, poor nutrition, medication and hormonal imbalances. Initially, you will begin to experience receded hair line which gradually proceeds towards the crown of the head. If you are a woman, you will experience thinning throughout your scalp. If you have just started to notice fall out, it is important to get your blood work done to check iron levels in your body and find the root cause of alopecia.
Trichologist in Dubai suggests that the only cure for gaining your hair back after alopecia is by going for a hair transplant procedure. I know that the thought of it is scary but these days, hair transplantation is also possible via minimally invasive techniques such as FUE hair transplant. Overall, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and includes tons of nutritious foods in your diet. And do not forget to drink loads of water each day.
Ringworm, also known as tinea capitis is a scalp disorder which is common in kids but can also hit an adult once in a while. It is usually triggered by the animals; usually transmitted by cats and dogs. They can cause extreme itching and scaly patches throughout the scalp, eventually resulting in patchy hair loss.
Trichologist in Dubai usually suggest taking an antibiotic along with some key topical medications that help to get rid of the medications and heal your scalp.
Hair Loss, Scalp Disorders, and Their Treatments
Reviewed by haniA

Very well written blog about the hair loos treatment. I appreciate this knowledgeable post.
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