Trichology and Hair Loss Treatments: what does a trichologist do?
Trichology is a sub-part of Dermatology that deals with an extensive study of hair and their health, basically, you can call Trichologists as hair Scientists who are working day and night just to provide you with one thing, i.e. the better hair. Trichology may sound like a bizarre field but the study shows that annual spending of American hair loss Treatments for the year 2010 was $3.5 Billion and it is said to be increasing every year. Trichology is hair expertise and it is gaining popularity day by day. It is said that nowadays there are fifty percent more chances of you getting hair loss problem before age of forty and the factors contributing to hair loss have increased significantly. The hair loss can only be treated by consulting the board certified Trichologist.
Trichologist in Dubai are dedicated to provide the patients with the real-time discovery of the factor causing the hair loss and they provide proper remedy for the hair loss condition. Every hair reacts differently to environment and hair loss. The most common example of diversity of hairs is reaction of hairs on different shampoos/conditioners and hair color variations that can be seen. Every skin has different treatment for hair loss and it is up to Trichologist to study the skin type of the patient and provide cure based on the hair type of the patient. Some of the hair loss factors are given below;
Hair loss factors
Hair loss can be caused by several reasons, from hormonal change to imbalanced diet to sudden stress, all the factors contribute to hair loss. Major hair loss factors are listed down for better overview
• Hormonal change
• Wrong medication
• Genetics
• Health disorders
• Bad conditioner/shampoo
Hair loss can also be triggered by the following factors and the hair loss caused by following factors is considered temporary and can be immediately restored by recovering from the following conditions.
• Stress
• Imbalanced diet
• Sun exposure
We’ve discussed some of the most commonly used hair loss treatments in practice today but hair loss can only be treated by undergoing the proper treatment by a board certified Trichologist in Dubai.
Hair loss Treatments
There are several hair loss treatments that are in practice today by the Trichologist depending upon the condition of the hair. For initial hair loss, you may be advised by the hair expert to undergo the home based remedies but for severe hair loss, you will be advised Laser Hair restoration therapy or the FUE hair transplant.
Home remedies are those treatments that can be applied at home, these treatments are cheap in nature and provide the cure to hair loss through natural means but if they are applied without the consent of Trichologist, it can lead to side effects. The most common example of home based remedy is said to be oil treatment that is applied on the hair to prevent hair loss and to strengthen the growth of hair. Depending upon the condition of your hair, Trichologist may suggest the change of shampoo or conditioner in order to see the appropriate results; and if failed, clinical treatments may be suggested to help you get over the hair loss.
Laser hair restoration therapy or hair loss laser therapy is another treatment method that is available at FUE hair transplant Dubai and it is done under the supervision of the qualified dermatologist to provide a cure for the hair loss and to strengthen the hair in a natural way. You can increase the hair growth by 90% with the help of laser hair therapy but it requires supervision of a qualified Trichologist in Dubai.
FUE hair transplant is one of the most successful treatments that provide the users with the best cure for hair loss by transplanting the hair from donor region. Most natural results along with naturally enhanced hairline can be achieved with the help of FUE hair transplant, it is that type of hair transplant that extracts individual hair follicle to achieve maximum results with minimum alteration done to the donor region.
Hair loss treatment is a serious problem and it requires proper consultation from the Trichologist to get rid of the problem. You can get the best Trichologist in Dubai by visiting the FUE hair transplant Clinic Dubai.
Trichology and Hair Loss Treatments: what does a trichologist do?
Reviewed by haniA

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