Is it Right to Use a Natural Hair Remedy for Hair Loss?
hair worries the sufferers. It should be cured at the starting stage to prevent
further hair loss. There are many side effects of the hair loss that damages an
individual’s personality. Due to excessive stress, unbalanced diet, hormonal
changes, lifestyle changes, and vitamin deficiency, etc. hair loss has become a
major problem of all irrespective of the age. Some amazing natural remedies
that are used as hair loss treatment in Dubai are really
effective against hair loss.
1. Scalp
relax the scalp as well as control the hair loss. Massaging the scalp increases
the blood flow to the hair follicles making them strong and help them grow. It
helps in absorbing more nutrients in the hair follicles and also help to
de-stress which is the prominent factor to fight hair loss.
It can
be done with or without the oil, using fingertips to make circular motions on
the scalp.
Oils to use for scalp massage are;
Coconut Oil - It is
one of the effective hair oil which has antibacterial features and maintains
moisture. Coconut milk has the nourishing features and controls hair loss.
Olive Oil - It is
rich in antioxidants and nutrients that are good for promoting hair follicles
as it contains vitamin E and fatty acids.
Almond Oil - It is
full of nutrients like calcium, magnesium vitamin E and D. Massaging with
almond oil is effective in strengthening hair and cure thinning.
Lavender Oil - It has
antioxidant properties that reduce hair fall naturally. Lavender oil is
associated with antifungal and antioxidant properties that control dandruff and
Rosemary Oil - It is
an effective hair oil that fights hair loss.
2. Balanced
balanced diet is utmost important for healthy hair growth and fighting hair
loss. The best diet to prevent hair loss is;
Omega-3 Fatty Acids – salmon,
walnuts, soybeans, and flaxseeds.
Zinc– spinach, nuts,
carbs, chicken, and oyster.
Protein – milk,
cheese, salmon, and pulses.
Vitamin A, B & C – broccoli,
citrus foods, and mustard greens.
Iron – beans, apricots, raisins,
and bread.
these should be taken in proper proportion to have a balanced diet in order to
achieve good hair health.
3. Herbs
number of herbs are beneficial for treating hair loss that are;
Amla – Contains properties like
antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and exfoliating. To
use amla what you need to do is, cut amla into pieces and dry them in shade.
Now take a coconut oil and heat it. After heating pour the dried amla into the
coconut oil. After boiling strain the amla pieces. Massage the scalp with this
oil and wash the hair.
Aloe Vera – It
prevents clogging of hair follicles so that they get enough nutrients for hair
growth. Aloe Vera can be directly applied to the scalp to fight irritation and
infection. You can also massage your scalp with Aloe Vera oil.
4. Curd
can be applied as hair loss treatment in Dubai with other
ingredients to fight hair loss. Usually to minimize the effect of thinning it
is used with lemon. A mixture of lemon and curd is made which is applied and
left for twenty to thirty minutes before washing. It also reduces irritation,
dandruff, and infection.
Is it Right to Use a Natural Hair Remedy for Hair Loss?
Reviewed by haniA

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